

All the content of the FruitMaps server and the Orion app is the copyright of Freelance Robotics Pty Ltd, its authorised distributor and licensors. Reproduction of part of or all the contents of the webpage, server, and app in any form is prohibited other than for personal use only and may not be recopied and shared with a third party. Freelance Robotics does not grant you any intellectual property rights in this website, its application, interface or contents. You must use any trademarks displayed on this website. Permission to recopy for personal use does not allow for incorporation of material or any part of it in any other website, electronic retrieval system, publication, or any other work (electronic, hard copy or otherwise).


Freelance Robotics Pty Ltd, its authorised distributor or its licensors makes no warranties, representations, or undertakings about: (a) any of the content of this website (including, without limitation, any as to the quality, accuracy, completeness, or fitness for purpose of any such content); or (b) any content of any other website referred to or accessed by hypertext links or otherwise through this website (‘Third Party Site’). Freelance Robotics Pty Ltd, its authorised distributor or its licensors does not endorse or approve the content of any Third Party Site, nor will Freelance Robotics Pty Ltd, its authorised distributor or its licensors have any liability in connection with any of them (including, but not limited to, liability arising out of any allegation that the content of any Third Party Site infringes any law or the rights of any person or is obscene, defamatory or scandalous).


Freelance Robotics Pty Ltd (“FruitMaps”; “Orion” ) is committed to safeguarding your privacy. Please read the following privacy policy to understand how your personal information will be treated when you use or register on the FruitMaps Online site. This Privacy Policy refers specifically to general use agreements for the website. This Policy is not related to the Software as a Service (SAAS) model for crop data management, which is outlined separately in the Cybersecurity for Data Management Policy.

QUESTION What personal information does FruitMaps collect and how is it collected?

The types of personal information FruitMaps collects about you include: Information about yourself and the company you work for when you register for an account with us, such as your name and contact details, the company’s name and company details, information about your role in the company. If you make a purchase with us, including a subscription, or contract for one of our solutions or services we will obtain transaction, billing and delivery information. We may record certain details of how you use our website, such as the website you came from or are going to, your device’s unique ID, your IP addresses and operating system, adverts you click on, products you search for, products you purchase, and information you download. FruitMaps collects your personal information when you provide it to us directly, through your use of our website and services, from your company representatives, from third parties and from publicly available information. Where you provide us with personal information about someone else you must have their consent to provide their personal information to us based on this privacy policy.

QUESTION What does FruitMaps do with my personal information?

Depending on how you use FruitMaps Website, your interactions with us, and the permissions you give us, we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:
a) To fulfil your order and/or provide you with the services you have contracted for.
b) To maintain your online account with us.
c) To manage and respond to any queries or complaints to our customer service team.
d) To improve and maintain the FruitMaps website and monitor its usage.
e) For security purposes, to investigate fraud and where necessary to protect ourselves and third parties.
f) To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
g) To facilitate any sale or potential sale of our business or assets.

To the extent permitted under data protection law, we may process your personal information: Because the processing is necessary to perform a contract with you, or take steps prior to entering into a contract with you (e.g. where you have made a purchase with us, we use your personal data to process the payment and fulfil your order). Because it is in the legitimate interests of FruitMaps and your company, when you are submitting orders on your company’s behalf. Because we have obtained your consent (e.g. where you contact us with a query, where you add optional information to your account profile, or if you consent to receive marketing from us). Because it is in FruitMaps legitimate interests as a provider to maintain and promote our services. We are always seeking to understand more about our customers to offer the best products and customer experience. We use information about you to tailor your view of Freelance Robotics, to make it more relevant in respect of the solutions and products to view.

QUESTION With whom does FruitMaps share your personal information?

FruitMaps needs to share information with certain selected third parties in order to operate our business:

Robotics Australia Group Freelance Robotics Pty Ltd is a member of an Australia-wide association of businesses and agencies that may collate metrics for public interest from our data, including your personal information. For full details of the Robotics Australia Group, please visit https://roboausnet.com.au FruitMaps shares personal information with other members of the Robotics Australia Group as necessary to support our services and to improve our customer insights.

Service Providers We provide information to our service providers acting on our behalf (for example to companies that provide digital marketing services like product recommendation, statistical analysis, business & operational insight, website optimization), as well as to those third parties involved in the delivery chain. On occasion, we also share personal information with our professional and legal advisors.

Government Authorities Where your order is due for delivery outside Australia, we may need to share information with customs authorities both in Australia and in the country of destination. We may also share personal information with law enforcement or other governmental authority, e.g. to report a fraud or in response to a lawful request.

Credit & Fraud Checking To the extent permitted by law, we may share information with credit reference agencies and with third parties engaged in fraud prevention and detection.

Media From time to time, we may release aggregated and anonymised marketing statistics to business partners, or may use these in press releases, advertising, or published reports. We would only personally identify you or any other customer in such press releases, advertising, or reports with your prior consent.

Business or Asset Sale In the event that we sell any business assets, the personal information of our customers may be disclosed to a potential buyer. In this event, we will make reasonable attempts to ensure the buyer will be bound by the terms of this privacy policy. FruitMaps may also disclose personal information in cases where we believe the disclosure is necessary to protect the rights, property or personal safety of FruitMaps, our customers, employees or the public, or where we are otherwise legally permitted to do so.

QUESTION Where does FruitMaps store and send my personal information, and how long for?

FruitMaps currently only uses Australian-based servers. However we reserve the right in future to use service providers based around the world and may store your personal information on servers located in Australia. Consequently, your personal information may be processed in countries outside of Australia, including in countries where you may have fewer legal rights in respect of your information than you do under Australian law. Please contact us if you would like more information about these safeguards. We keep your personal information for as long as we need it for the purposes set out above, and so this period will vary depending on your interactions with us. For example, when you have made a retail purchase with us, we will keep a record of your purchase for the period necessary for invoicing, tax and warranty purposes. For subscription software as a service purchases data management is an ongoing arrangement. We may also keep a record of correspondence with you (for example if you have made a complaint about a product) for as long as is necessary to protect us from a legal claim. Where we no longer have a need to keep your information, we will delete it. Please note that where you unsubscribe from our marketing communications, we will keep a record of your email address to ensure we do not send you marketing emails in future.

QUESTION What does FruitMaps do to protect my personal information?

FruitMaps always aims to deliver the highest level of service and security to our customers and the website has been specifically designed with security in mind. We also implement strong security measures in respect of personal information held in physical form and held by our service providers. In order to ensure the security and protection of your personal details whenever you submit any details, we use the following security methods: Approved technology to encode and protect your data for a safe and secure transaction. To the extent possible and as reasonable, when you submit information, this will be held in an encrypted format. Your information is accordingly protected and safe to submit. Your FruitMaps online account information and FruitMaps online profile are password-protected so that you and only you have access to this personal information. You may edit your FruitMaps online account information and FruitMaps online profile by using your FruitMaps online username and password.

QUESTION How does FruitMaps use my personal information for marketing?

Unless you opted-out during your account registration and purchase, FruitMaps may send you emails, call or text you regarding FruitMaps products and services. In addition, we may occasionally send you direct mail about products that we feel may be of interest to you. It is likely that some or all of these marketing messages may be tailored to you, based on what we know about you and/or your company, for example from your Online Profile, your previous searches and browsing history on FruitMaps Website, and your purchase activity.

If you no longer want to hear from us, at any time you can:
a) Edit your preferences in the Portal, which you can access anytime;
b) Unsubscribe from marketing emails by clicking on the link in each email;
c) Email us at: admin@freelanc-robotics.com.au You may also see adverts for FruitMaps on third party websites, including on social media. These adverts may be tailored to you using cookies (which track your web activity, to enable us to serve adverts to customers who have visited the FruitMaps webstore). Where you see an ad on social media, this may be because we have engaged the social network to show adverts to our customers, or users who match the demographic profile of our customers. In some cases, this may involve sharing your email address with the social network. If you no longer want to see tailored ads, you can change your cookie and privacy settings on your browser and these third party websites.

QUESTION How can I access, update, correct or delete my personal information?

You can view and edit your Personal Profile information at any time by clicking on the ‘My Profile – Update Details’ section in Settings. Access profile information at anytime by clicking the link in the navigation bar. If you have forgotten your password, or have any other problems accessing FruitMaps portal access, please contact FruitMaps Customer Services on +61 1300 476 268. If you have a query regarding your personal information which you cannot resolve via your Online Portal, please contact us using the details below. Under Australian privacy law, you have the right to access and correct your personal data, and FruitMaps will comply with any requests to exercise these rights in accordance with applicable law. We may need to verify your identity and may ask for your request in writing. Please be aware that there are several limitations to these rights, and there may be circumstances where we are not able to comply with your request. We will provide our reasons if we deny any request for access to or correction of personal information. Where we refuse to make a correction you request, you can ask us to make a note of your requested correction with the information.


FruitMaps uses cookies and similar technologies to provide the function of the FruitMaps Website. Cookies are a small text file which is stored to your computer or device when you visit webpages. Cookies are essential for effective operations of our website, improve the website, and to personalise FruitMaps website when you shop online with us. Cookies are used to advertise and tailor the products and services for our customers. Cookies are 100% safe and do not cause a risk to you computer or device. Cookies do not contain personal information, which is able to identify you personally, and do not contact and confidential information. We use cookies on our website to make it easier for our service to be used. Cookies are essential part of how the website works and ensure it works properly for you. It is recommended that you enable your cookies to allow for a easier shopping experience. If cookies are disable, some part of our website will not work.


For questions regarding this webpage policies or how we use your personal data, please email info@freelancerobotics.com.au If you raise a complaint about how we have used your personal data, we may need to engage or consult with other parties to investigate and deal with the matter. We will keep records of your complaint and any resolution.

You are also entitled to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner if you have any questions or concerns regarding your personal information. Updates to our Online Privacy Policy We may change this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in the law, regulatory guidance or our data privacy practices in compliance with the law. When this happens and where required by law, we will provide you with a new or an updated notice detailing how the use of your personal information is changing and, if necessary, obtain your consent for further processing.

This Privacy Policy was last updated in June 2024.